Krissi's Carrd


She/They || 27 || Lesbian

DNI! Basic DNI criteria, if you think bi/pan lesbians are valid, if you're a "gold star lesbian", if you think it's okay to HC canon lesbian characters as bisexual, has/supports incest ships, sexualizes characters who are minors, portrays or supports depictions of glorified/romanticized abuse or pedo/zoophilia
DNF! If you dislike Arcane, Vi, Caitvi, or League of Legends (I talk about them a lot), if you dislike constant retweeting/personal posting, if you are uncomfortable with swearing a lot and discussions about mature themes, (I will never post explicit NSFW on main), are a cishet man

INTERESTS! Vi, Caitvi, Arcane, League of Legends, Furry Art, Warrior Cats, True Crime, Drawing, Animals, Video games, animated films/shows

comfort characters

main twitter | art twitter | 18+ Twitter
ask me for my priv twitter if we're mutuals!

I am a lesbian and primarily talk about lesbian subjects, and have an interest in wlw/lesbian media and characters. Because of this, I don't see a reason as to why a cishet man who isn't already my friend would want to follow me unless it's for fetishizing reasons, which makes me uncomfortable.I won't check if you're a cishet man if you follow me because I do not have the time, however if I catch you being weird in my mentions I will block immediately.

A gold star lesbian is a lesbian who believes that in order to be a "true" lesbian, you have to never have sex with men, even in your past due to comphet or not figuring your identity out yet.This ideology is usually paired with transphobia, as most gold star lesbians are only referring to individuals with vaginas as "women", excluding trans women from lesbianism or including trans men within it due to their genitalia.As someone who has experienced comphet extensively in my youth and have had sex with men in my past to try to "fit in" with the crowd, it doesn't make me any less of a lesbian now than those who didn't. If you don't believe this, please do not interact or follow.

This is a list of my comfort characters! Bolded are super important to me, as if they are a part of me entirely.Feel free to tag me in any cool art of these characters!

Vi - Arcane/League of Legends

Chloe Price - Life is Strange

Clementine - The Walking Dead Game

Rakan - League of Legends

Nami - League of Legends

Wade Ripple - Elemental

Krieg - Borderlands

Zenyatta - Overwatch

Spyro - Spyro the Dragon Franchise

Fox McCloud - Star Fox Franchise

Krystal - Star Fox Franchise

I block very liberally. Here are a few reasons why you may be blocked:
- You fit DNI criteria
- Something you said annoyed me
- You drew something I didn't like
- You actively talk shit about something I like
- We got into an argument so I blocked you to avoid myself from replying more
- I use block chains often on very problematic people to block all of their followers, so you may have gotten caught in one by accident
- Literally if you say one thing that mildly annoyed me I will block you if I am in a mood
I block to curate my feed and 99% of the time it isn't anything personal. I have over 8,000 people blocked and it grows every single day. These people blocked are ranging from really fucking problematic like racist, homophobic, zionist, etc to "you said something I just disagree with"."Why don't you mute people?" bc muting still allows them to see my stuff and reply to my stuff which I am uncomfortable with if I don't want to see them on my feed.Blocking is a GOOD feature that allows you to curate your feed and only see things you want to see. A lot of times, unless you're an actual bad person, or if I have personal beef with you, if you approach me and ask me to unblock you I probably will! Stuff that annoyed me 6 months ago is likely forgotten by now and I would love to just start fresh.